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What are the main features of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) and how does it work?

The Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) is a key piece of legislation that regulates the design and distribution of insurance products across the European Union (EU). Implemented in 2018, the main goals of the IDD are to enhance consumer protection and create a more harmonized insurance market across EU member states.

At a high level, the IDD sets out requirements in areas such as professional qualifications, product design and oversight, information provision, cross-selling, complaints handling, and sanctions. By improving transparency and competency standards in the insurance sales process, the IDD aims to build trust between customers and distributors.

The Role of IDD in Regulating Insurance Products

More specifically, the IDD governs the activities of both insurance companies that manufacture products and intermediaries that distribute them. It places requirements on staff knowledge, product development processes, and sales disclosures. This covers all insurance products – life, non-life, investment, and pensions.

By regulating product design and distribution, the IDD helps ensure insurance products deliver fair value, meet customer needs, incentivize fair treatment, and are marketed to appropriate target markets.

Relationship Between IDD and MiFID II

The IDD works in conjunction with the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II). MiFID II regulates firms providing investment services across EU member states. There is an overlap where some firms distribute both insurance and investment products.

While MiFID II deals with investor protection, the IDD focus is on the buyer of insurance and mitigating conflicts of interest in distribution. Despite targeting different financial products, the IDD and MiFID II are aligned in their overall goals of professionalism, transparency, and consumer protection.

Role of National Competent Authorities

A key part of rolling out the IDD across member states is the designation of national competent authorities (NCAs). NCAs regulate and supervise insurance distributors in their jurisdiction to enforce the requirements of the directive.

Each EU member state must empower an existing or new NCA to undertake IDD supervisory duties such as vetting distributors’ compliance arrangements, investigating complaints, and conducting onsite inspections. NCAs cooperate closely with the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and monitor the consistency of the IDD application across countries.

Professional Competence and Product Oversight

Core IDD requirements aim to improve professionalism across product design and sales processes. For both insurance company staff and third-party distributors, there are mandated qualification levels covering areas such as needs assessment, claims handling, and complaints resolution.


Additionally, manufacturers must identify target markets for each product and stress test for risks to consumers throughout their lifetime. This product oversight helps ensure customers end up with policies that are appropriate for their profile and needs.

Conduct of Business Rules 

The IDD also sets expectations for sales interactions and documentation. Firms must disclose commissions, avoid conflicts of interest, and highlight product exclusions and obligations before a sale is completed. Policies must then deliver fair value relative to the premium amount.

By legislating transparency on charges/commissions and product restrictions, IDD conduct rules give consumers a clearer understanding during insurance purchases. This allows them to make more informed decisions on whether products suit their requirements.

Insurance Undertakings and Distributors

The scope of the IDD covers both insurance undertakings and intermediaries involved in distribution. Insurance undertakings cover insurance/reinsurance companies designing and creating insurance products. Intermediaries include brokers, agents, banks, and price comparison websites selling policies directly to consumers.

The key obligations of the IDD apply to the majority of cases involved in insurance distribution. However, there are specific exemptions for the likes of ancillary sellers, reinsurance firms, and employees distributing products directly for insurance companies.

Target Market Identification

As noted above, the IDD makes identifying a target market an integral part of product development. Groups of potential customers sharing common characteristics must be outlined from the initial design phase.

This target market assessment helps ensure product features, pricing, and distribution strategy align with the capabilities and needs of intended consumer groups. Stress testing for vulnerabilities is then undertaken before any product launch proceeds to market. 

Pre-Contractual Documentation

The duty to provide clear information to potential customers also forms a central IDD requirement. Consumers must receive key information about the product, full disclosure of the seller’s irelationship, and all charges associated with distribution.

Standardized reporting templates for product information (IPIDs) and total cost disclosures also aim to simplify comparisons across different providers. By promoting transparency and accessibility, the IDD enables customers to make better-informed insurance purchasing decisions.  

Complaints Handling Processes

As part of conduct standards, the IDD legislation outlines complaint management procedures for the industry. Requirements include responding to complaints within 15 business days and informing consumers of avenues for pursuing unresolved disputes. 

These standardized complaints protocols aim to deliver quick, fair outcomes if customers raise issues with sales practices or purchased products. By providing strong recourse processes, the IDD helps produce greater confidence and satisfaction in insurance services.

Enhancing Consumer Protection

Underpinning all these specific requirements around professionalism, product design, sales transparency, and complaints resolution is the IDD’s focus on enhancing consumer trust and clarity during insurance transactions.

From vetting seller qualifications to requiring understandable pre-contractual documentation, the IDD brings in consistent safeguards for insurance purchases within and across EU member states. This aims to address previous consumer mistrust stemming from incidents of mis-selling or lack of transparency.

Creating a Harmonized Insurance Market

An additional benefit stemming from the IDD is the development of a more harmonized distribution regime for insurance products across Europe. Individual counties previously had the autonomy to establish fragmented national regulatory systems.

By enacting common guidelines enforced by NCAs in each jurisdiction, the IDD provides a standardized framework for competent authorities to monitor insurance distributors within their domestic market. This aims to reduce regulatory complexity that previously hindered expansion for insurers and intermediaries across the EU.   

Sanctions for Non-Compliance

To compel the industry’s adherence to its standards, the IDD legislates penalties for non-compliance. Supervisory authorities can impose fines, injunctions, compensation orders, or the withdrawal of operating licenses in cases of breaches of IDD requirements.

NCAs undertake regular inspections and investigations based on whistleblower reports or complaints data to identify areas of IDD non-compliance among distributors. Heavier sanctions serve as motivation for distributors to proactively embed IDD principles within their operating models and governance frameworks.


In summary, the EU’s Insurance Distribution Directive delivers an important overhaul to how insurance products are designed, marketed, and sold to European consumers. By raising competency standards, enhancing transparency, and strengthening accountability, it ultimately aims to rebuild consumer trust and participation in the insurance industry.

While adapting processes to align with IDD requirements brings short-term costs, the level playing field and open markets it creates provide new growth opportunities across the EU for insurance providers adhering to higher professional standards that protect customers.

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